The Emmanuel Benefice

Church Wardens at Armitage Bridge

Pam Thomas          01484 359270

Tony Crawshaw       07738068557


Church Wardens at South Crosland

Allan Greaves         01484 662659

Paul Coldwell          01484 340180


The Emmanuel Benefice of Newsome, Armitage Bridge & South Crosland

Select from the following links to access information about our churches.

Holy Trinity Church at South Crosland

St John the Evangelist's Church at Newsome

St Paul's Church at Armitage Bridge

St Stephen's Church at Rashcliffe (closed November 2013)



Venue Hire

This page had contact details about the hire of churches and halls.

Find Our Churches

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Who's Who?

If you need to get in touch with us, this page has details of who's who.

The Emmanuel Benefice

Choose this link to access information about the formation of the Emmanuel Benefice of churches in Huddersfield.

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